Thursday, April 30, 2009

BSG Display at the Pasadena Live Auction

Come see our hangar display at the Pasadena convention center next weekend during the second Live Auction of Battlestar Galactica props and costumes!

BSG Display

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Digg It! Battlestar Galactica in LEGO: Vipers, Raptors (pics)

Who says Star Wars gets to have all the LEGO-fun? At BrickCon (a gathering for adults who still play with LEGO) in Seattle last October, LEGO maven Ryan Wood (ME :O) organized the first Battlestar Galactica (BSG) Viper fly-in, and look at the awesome result.

read more | digg story

Monday, February 2, 2009


It's been a long time since I updated this blog. Sorry! The perennial excuse is that life's just been busy.

So what sparked the need for this update?

The BSG Display is getting some major attention recently, and I thought I should document it.

The high point for me was getting on the page:
Click here to go to

The Battlestar page on links to this dvice article on the display, which links to my Mocpage (?!) and Gizmodo, who got the original story from Brothers-Brick.

This was the most awesome way to end a really bad day I was having last week. I'm prouder than ever of everyone in ChiefLUG who helped make the display shine, and Katie for not only putting up with a 7-foot hangar in our living room, and Lego all over the house, but for her mosaic contribution.

Stay tuned for updates about upcoming ChiefLUG projects, which may be even more epic in scope than the Battlestar display.
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