Thursday, July 10, 2008

ChiefLUG Initiation Announced

Today I announced the ChiefLUG Initiation here on, with an additional mention on Flickr.

What's going on? Why am I doing this? This all basically happened because you know how much I love Andrew's Viper

click here for the full Brickshelf gallery

I decided, after a brief conversation with Andrew about it, that there should be a Battlestar display at BrickCon, and that ChiefLUG should be behind it. There's a ton of BSG fans among the Lego spacer community, and a love for all things Colonial and Cylon in geek culture at large. I imagined rows of custom Vipers all lined up, with the Colonial Anthem blaring from a radio nearby.

By making the Viper build the requirement to enter ChiefLUG, I think we'll not only get a lot more members in our pseudo-KeithLUG, but we'll also be able to easily fill some kind of BSG display at the Con.

And the more I think about this display, the crazier I get. Why just throw Vipers down on a table? They need something equally nice to sit on. What about the hangar? I've thought about building the hangar ever since I first started watching BSG and people called me Chief. But I never felt up to the task. And surely a hangar big enough to hold a few Vipers would be much too big for my collection. But... putting them just on tables? No dude, we need the hangar. Well allright, let's see if I can pull this off. (See? Talking to myself: crazy!)

hangar ref pic

I'll be looking into brickbuilt versus baseplate floors, and start crunching some numbers to see how big it should be. Check back for updates later!

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